VR game experiences

Welcome to this area of the website of Virtual Play, a company specializing in the design, production, outfitting, and commercial launch of VR Theme Parks and Virtual Reality Arcade.
Here, we want to present you with the titles of the main and most popular games optimized or native for VR use (you must have at least a visor to play them). We want to give you an idea of what is possible to find in our VR Game Rooms and theme parks that employ virtual reality simulators.

The titles of these ever-increasing games, and unlike traditional monitor versions, are able to offer with excellent resolution and quality, unique and immersive experiences perfect for players of all ages and experience levels.
You are about to begin a beautiful journey, artificial of course but what we can assure is that the emotions are strong and true indeed, very strong indeed! And this is precisely the secret, in our opinion, of VR technology, which allows without moving from the comfort of the room to experience even extreme adventures around space and the world accompanied with all the sensations involved (visual, auditory, motor and in some cases olfactory) and that will make everything much more evocative.

Here are a few of the most popular VR games:
Beat Saber – a rhythm game that requires hitting blocks with lightsabers in time to music.
Superhot VR – A real-time shooting game in which time moves only when the player moves.
Arizona Sunshine – a zombie survival game in which the player must fight against hordes of undead in a highly realistic environment.
Job Simulator – a game that offers an amusing parody of the world of work in a future where all tasks are done by robots.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR -a VR version of the popular role-playing game that offers an immersive gaming experience.

These are just some of the most popular VR game titles available in our Game Rooms. Each of these games offers a unique and immersive experience that transcends the limits of reality and transports the player into a parallel world full of adventure and fun.

We are excited to offer these unique and immersive experiences to our customers and invite everyone to come and try our VR games. We are sure you will find something you will like! We also have a very complete show room that can be visited by appointment.