Kat walk C

Kat Walk C - Gaming Peripheral for Private Use

Step into the virtual world as the protagonist from the comfort of your room.

Move and walk naturally with this model KAT Walk C 2 is a second-generation VR treadmill designed for personal and private use. It is the first VR gaming device optimized for players, allowing complete freedom of physical movement in all the available free locomotion games across various platforms!
With Kat Walk C, you can move 360° in the virtual world, all from a single point in your home. The C2 is the device that finally completes the missing human-VR interactions, and it does so in a simple, intuitive, and natural way. Get your hands on KAT Walk C and treat yourself to realistic exploration of virtual worlds in every possible way!

See how it works

See how simple and natural it is to walk in the Metaverse

Integrated Optical Feedback System
Kat Walk C 2+ opens up a new dimension of immersion! The integrated vibrations within the platform can simulate various winds to the extent that you will feel connected to the Virtual World!

Full compatibility with a wide range of games and peripherals.

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